Snowy Owl

I received a text a few days ago asking if I wanted to go see the snowy owl. I was unfortunately at work and didn't get to go that day, but after seeing all the hub bub surfacing on social media I decided I would take a trek to the farm in Bradford County where it was spotted.
I packed up my gear and dressed for being outside in eighteen degree weather. I arrived on the road and noticed a pick up in traffic on the rural road so I knew I was getting close. I pulled up behind a truck and saw a massive lens sticking out of the window. Window down, I stared out into the field trying to spot the owl. A couple older ladies drove by and informed us to drive up the road a bit farther and stop where all the other vehicles were lined up.

Many photographers and bird watchers enjoying the view.
I soon realized the gear I was toting was not comparable to get any real photos.

Me having a serious case of lens envy!!
 I did spot the owl and here are a couple photos with my very small lens.

I snapped a couple of other photos just for fun.

Check out these photos from Borden Photography's Facebook page.
Borden Photography website
WNEP TV News article
NatGeo info
Audubon Snowy Owl info

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