Night Eyes

I have been a fan of stargazing for quite some time. A member of the astronomy club (secret is now out, I'm officially a nerd) in high school, I spent some time trying to educate myself about constellations. It wasn't only the science involved, but just the experience of laying out in the cool, summer breeze looking for the formations I read about and studied in my club.
I found that the winter time had many a clear night for star viewing. Tonight on this first day of January, I noticed the sliver shaped moon and a bright planet. I decided to bundle up and go out to try some more night photography. Why not start the year off with dabbling in new techniques. I went out, set up my tripod and gear and realized I had forgotten my remote. By the time I ran in and picked up my remote and ran back out the moon had dropped behind some trees and I no longer had the view I wanted to photograph.
Since I was already out there in the cold with this beautiful sky above me, I snapped a few shots.
Happy New Year! May 2017 bring new perspectives, creativity, love, health and happiness!!

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 Roberson Planetarium
Stargaze at Kopernik


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