Van Gogh-ing

When I first heard about the Van Gogh exhibit, I was immediately interested. I conversed with friends and we decided to watch the locations to see when it would be nearest all of us. A year or so out from the original release date, a listing showed up for Philadelphia. We immediately ordered tickets. 

When the day arrived we packed up and started the trek to Philly. We began our adventure picking up a friend and having lunch at his house.

Quinoa and veggies!

After filling our bellies, we headed to meet another friend at The Philadelphia Museum of Art. We wandered the halls and checked out paintings by Van Gogh and others. As the museum was nearing a close for the day, we noticed a lot of hustle and bustle with tables and flowers. A wedding was going to happen that evening. Can you imagine using that beautiful space for a wedding??? Amazing! 

We wandered around the outside of the building (as the exit to the Rocky stairs was closed). We wanted to run up the steps.... who are we kidding, we didn't run! We did make it to the top of the stairs and discovered that a lot was going on there. Photos for a wedding, photos of the city skyline, photos of youngsters in gowns and suits were all taking place around us. We wanted to grab a photo with the Rocky statue, but there was a long line. Many were waiting to snag a photo. We decided to keep walking.

It was then time to find our way to our hotel and grab a bite to eat, which proved to be a bit trickier than you would think. We valet parked the car and headed up to our rooms.  The moment I walked in I realized this place understands my style! If you know me, you will see by the upcoming photos.

The next challenge was finding a place to eat in Center City Philly on a Saturday evening with no reservations. Most places we checked had an hour and a half wait and it was already 6:30pm. And we had tickets for the Van Gogh Exhibit the next morning. We ended up stumbling upon Bank and Bourbon and they were able to immediately seat us. The service was great and the food even better. Of course, I had to try a bourbon as we were at a bourbon establishment.


knob creek 9 yr, st. germain, strawberry, lemon, angostura bitters

The bourbon did not disappoint nor did the food!




It was a tasty pallet of steak, mushrooms, potato wedges, fries and a cheese platter, oh my!!

We headed back to the hotel for a good night sleep, arose early the next morning for some breakfast (like we needed more food) and off to the Van Gogh exhibit at The Tower Theater

This event was amazing. The way they made the paintings come to life and with so much texture really blew my mind. If you are into art, Van Gogh or just like to do fun events, I highly recommend seeing this exhibit. Upon entering it is all an emotional overload of sorts. Informative walls were mixed with pure art. The large room gave me goosebumps. There was a section where you could color a page and have it project upon the wall. We also enjoyed the virtual reality experience. That was like taking a walk down the streets where Van Gogh's inspiration began. 

I have been trying to be more present in the moment and less hooked to devices. So on this trip there were not as many photos as my usual. Here are some that I did take at the exhibit.

"It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well." -Van Gogh

All of the above are my opinions and are not endorsed in any way by any of the aforementioned places, events etc.

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