Chores left undone

I often wonder why on my days off nothing gets done... then I think back on the day and how it unfolds and I realize.
The morning starts out productive enough. Austin and I go for a morning walk. After returning and having a bit of breakfast I am motivated to start my chores. I collect the garbage and take it out. On the way back in I notice how beautiful the light is shining through the leaves. I stop and admire... then I run inside and grab my camera, naturally!
I snap a few photos and then decide I need to look at them right now.

As I'm looking through the photos, I decide to edit a few... then all. I soon realize my lens is dirty!

After chatting with a few friends and calling B&C Photo in Elmira, I hit the road to get my camera there before they close. They cleaned my camera for me as I waited, and I was back in business!

I absolutely love the texture and lighting of the leaves above!
I now have a clean lens and a couple of cool shots, but my chores still aren't completed. I still have some time to complete my list of chores and I contemplate the laundry... then, wait... SQUIRREL! Literally, a squirrel is running around outside and I again grab my camera. The squirrel also had a friend, a beautiful woodpecker. They were taking turns at the feeder.

 I snap some photos. Then I download and edit them. After that I have to share them! 
So as you can see, my chores are still left undone.


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