Pie Iron Retreat

I believe that it is important to power down, slow down and energize. I am sure if you are reading this, you know this is a subject I touch on from time to time. Slowing down and powering off is a fantastic reset from stresses. Going somewhere with limited cell service is a great way to accomplish this!!

Sitting around a campfire with good friends, embracing the moment, having conversations is such an enjoyment. 

Always make sure you have a safe place to build your fire.

Sitting around the fire with friends is made even more fun with delicious food! This was my first encounter with a Pie Iron. Pizza was on the menu!

With simple ingredients you can enjoy a pizza treat! Add your own extras!!


Getting out in nature is also a good way to wind down and grab some exercise. Kayaking and walking were mixed in with my down time. 

While walking, take time to notice your surroundings. Check out the flowers, trees or wildlife. 

Spotted this gazelle!! Taking a closer look at anything is a wonderful way to decompress. Take time to see something, observe it, chat about it....

Some find cooking to be a way of relaxing. What is your outlet to relax?

Breakfast on the porch.

An alternative to s'mores, the cone s'more was a simple, delicious treat!

We utilized the pie iron to help with the cone s'more making.

Delicious!! These were filled with mini chocolate chips, cut up snickers and Reeses, little marshmallows, strawberries and bananas.

I was also able to check off my photo bucket list a newt!!

All links were chosen by me and are not endorsed.

Take time to power down no matter what that means to you.

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