
Showing posts from May, 2021

Tiptoe through tulips (or sunflowers)

 The sun is finally peaking it's head out for multiple days in a row and it is feeling good! Being out in nice weather is always a relaxing state (especially if I have my camera.) Unfortunately the day I chose to go to the tulip field was almost a wash out... but overcast skies and a little drizzle were not going to stop me from clicking my shutter and enjoying the day with my mom and sister. I decided to make an adventure out to  Brown Hill Farms  and try my hand at capturing the tulips. I had been previously in the fall for the sunflowers. They did not disappoint!  I highly recommend this place as a family fun, solo, with friends or anyone else (not your pet) you choose to share a fun day with.  I will let my photos do the talking. I also added a few sunflowers from the fall venture. This swing is a prop and I was not actually swinging. While in the fields make sure to stick to the designated pathways. Be respectful of the tulip patch! No tulips were crushed during this photo. Al