Softball Making History

I have been a sports fan since I can remember. I grew up playing pee-wee and little league baseball.

Warren Center Little League

West Warren Little League
I can remember watching the New York Yankees games with my Grandparents. My mom always supported my playing sports, even though she didn't always understand the game. She even helped by coaching 3rd base in my younger days. We rarely listened to her, yet she was there waving us on or holding up the stop signal.
My gram on the other hand was well versed in the game, and I recall her having words with umpires. Now I think back on it and laugh. She used to ask if they needed her glasses.
I played ball my senior year of high school, a couple years of college ball and now I play recreational ball.

Photo from my NEBALL team
This photo was taken at a tournament in Georgia.
Playing now in the City of Binghamton Leagues
When I was in little league I remember dreaming of playing in the big leagues as most young sports fans do. I really never understood why there were no women playing the game at that time (80's) but it didn't stop me from dreaming of one day suiting up. As I became older I drifted from that dream and picked up a camera.

One day in the summer of 1998 I arrived home after work (late night shift) and was snacking and flipping through TV channels. I came across on ESPN a pro softball game! I was totally engrossed in the next 45 minutes that I caught of that game. When the game was over there was an announcement that the Championship series would be played in Durham, North Carolina. The next day I called up my best friend and asked "What are you doing next week? Do you want to go to North Carolina?"

1998 Championship team Orlando Wahoos warming up.

Virginia Roadster on 3rd base during one of the Championship games.
I have been following the pro team through all of it's changes since that year. National Pro Fast Pitch now has six teams in the league. I consider The Akron Racers my home team, and I have for 15 years now. The Racers are the longest running team in pro fastpitch.This year has marked a history making year for the NPF. Rawlings issued it's first golden glove to a member of women's pro softball. With a catch like this it's easy to see why A.J. Andrews collected this accolade. The biggest history maker in the NPF however is Monica Abbott signing a million dollar contract!!

I have been traveling the six hour drive from Pa to Akron to watch these talented women play the game they love. I am ecstatic that they now have a place to play after college. My hopes in writing this blog will be to gather up some support for the teams I love to watch. These women play this game with athleticism and class. I hope that some day they too can equal out the playing field and make the same financial status as their male MLB counterparts. I honestly don't know how they do it, how they keep in shape all year and maintain other jobs and have families. I'm in awe by their dedication, talent and hard work.

I will continue to make the six hour drive to support my Racers as often as I can. These trips have also become a great get away for my mom and I. We now try to make a four game series every year. I was so happy when she finally (after years and years of asking) decided to make the trek with me. We now have this bond over softball. Watching the college games on TV we discuss who we think will get drafted. Thanks to CBS Sports Network we get to watch even more pro games together. I'm looking forward to what's to come for this league and I'm hopeful that it will continue to grow.

If you are still with me reading then I ask you to do one thing  for me....
Check out the NPF and share the link with friends

Here are some photos of a recent trip to Ohio
My favorite Racer Kelly M.

Sheridan pitching fierce!
Michelle Smith and I
Getting my jersey autographed

Kaci Clark and I

Other sites to check out if you love the game
Team USA
Pro Fastpitch
My Hometeam Akron Racers

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