A World in Ruins

Life has been a bit turned upside down as of late. With all that is happening it is important to take time to breathe, relax and enjoy. I know this is easier said than done as gathering and doing what is "normal" is not in the cards. Worry seems to surround us. Worry about loved ones, the virus, financial situations and so many other things. So, what do you do that is safe, social distanced and enjoyable??? Take a hike! Get outside while the getting is good. The crisp smell of autumn and the crunch of leaves is a good way to start any day. I was able to take a day to drive to Williamsport and go hiking with friends. We hiked some trails out to the Remington Ruins. Beautiful, well maintained trails had my camera clicking!! I have Googled this location to try to offer some real info, but to no avail. So I will leave you with what the marker at the location read. "Edward R. Remington, who was the original owner came to Lycoming County in 1843. He purchased a s...