Cherry Blossom Bucket List

Any of you who have been reading my ramblings (thank you for that) may know about my bucket list photo destination to Washington DC to capture the cherry blossoms. For the past, I believe now, five years I have made attempts to be at the right place at the right time to capture said cherry blossoms. They are delicate and their bloom time , depending on weather can be a small window. I have been to late and to early, but not this year! This year my cherry blossom mission is checked off my photo bucket list. This isn't to say I won't try to see their splendor yet again, but I FINALLY can mark it off my list. I began this year as usual. Monitoring closely the cherry blossom forums. Checking dates, looking at my work schedule and hoping, fingers crossed to be able to make it. I was excited to hear of the peak dates being April 6th weekend as I was scheduled to be off work. My dreams were finally going to be realized.... then the weather turned and the peak bloom was shifted...