Sunflower Smiles

There is something about sunflowers that make me smile inside. Maybe it's the bright yellow warmth they exude, maybe it's how large in life they seem to me, maybe it's because my mom is such a green thumb and hers look so beautiful, whatever the case is I do enjoy the presence of sunflowers. Bees also enjoy sunflowers. They can grow tall, have many great uses and growing them can be a fun filled activity for children. Sunflowers inspire many, even famous artist, Vincent Van Gogh. One of my favorite sunflower photos is "Timid" shown below. You can visit Roba Family Orchard which has three acres and twenty five different varieties of sunflowers. You may even cut one to take home! Wash your car and visit a sunflower field in Elverson, PA. In Peconic, New York sample wine and explore a sunflower field. This place may need to be on my next adventure list. Try a farm experience at Sunflower Valley Farm complete with petting zoo, photo ops and mo...