Have wings, will travel

It's no surprise (if you have read previous posts) that I am somewhat of a bird watcher. We have several feeders and many flowers that attract feathered friends, and sometimes furry friends (that I have yet to capture, but have been trying) who like to rip the feeders down. I have been wanting to capture the hummingbird for quite some time. They amaze me. Hummingbirds are so small and so quick, they are such a joy to watch flit around. One afternoon I noticed a pair of these fantastic creatures coming and going from the feeder. I grabbed my Pentax K30 with my zoom lens and headed out to sit on the porch and wait. I didn't have to wait to long for the beautiful colored bird to come back. Shooting was a challenge, as I knew it would be. Those hummers are quick. Setting up the shot and getting the right settings took a bit for me. Did I want to stop the wings in action or did I want them to look in motion? Focusing was tricky as they move so quickly. There were some arti...