Adventures with Amey part II - Salt Springs

Excitement filled my shutter when cousin and fellow photog, Amey, invited me for another day to play with our cameras! Salt Springs was our destination. There was beauty all around! Flora and fauna, wildlife and beautiful falls were frozen in every frame. We arrived, packed our gear and set out on some trails. After hiking a relatively flat and easy path, we ventured on a couple more difficult trails to the falls. Spending most of the time photographing waterfalls, we were in our glory... until a gentle rain began to fall. Not having any rain gear we packed up and called it a day. With our camera cards full we decided it was time to fill our bellies. Stopping at OIP we grabbed some great stromboli and then picked up some chocolates . It was hard to decide which of the delicious looking treats to box up! Now I leave you with some of the shots of the day from my Pentax . Amey spotted the tracks of a fawn! So tiny they were!!! Stay conn...