Adventures with Amey

It's no surprise that I'm a big fan of random photo days. When fellow photo enthusiast (and my cousin,) Amey, texted me and asked if I wanted to go try to find some owls... of course I was all in! We were up early and on the road to see what we could see. Unfortunately, no owls were spotted. We traveled along the back roads and pulled off when the moment struck. Ending up at Mount Pisgah was a pleasant surprise. I hadn't been there in ages! I was amazed to see people out on the lake fishing. It sure hasn't seemed cold enough to me to try my luck out on the ice! Not that I fish anyway. Along our adventure down some back roads we spotted some beautiful horses at Harper's Fairview Farm . We chatted with Pam and those photos may end up somewhere in the near future. The journey continued with a stop at Turnpike Cemetery and a farm with Scottish Bulls . We ended our day with some much needed nourishment from Leroy's and some great conversation. Here's a few...